Operation Snap

Operation Snap has been set up to help keep our county’s roads as safe as possible.

It allows members of the public to report driving offences in the Northamptonshire area by filling out a form and uploading video evidence they have captured.

Submitted footage and reports are then examined by roads policing officers and can be used to take action against drivers found to be breaking the law.

Please read our FAQ page then complete the form below to upload your footage to us.

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Your details


PLEASE NOTE : This secure form deals with traffic offences, it is NOT for submitting footage of RTCs or any other offences. Any reports of parking offences should be referred to the relevant highway authority in the locality where the incident occurred.

Were you wearing reflective clothing?(Required)
Did you have your lights on?(Required)

Were you or the horse wearing reflective clothing?(Required)

When viewed, does the footage you have recorded display the time? Choose ‘Yes’ if the recorded footage shows either the date, the time or both the date and time. (Required)
Is the date/time displayed on the footage the same as the time at which you stated the incident happened above?

Upload your supporting files

DO NOT alter the footage before uploading, this includes adding voice-overs or adding inline comments.

Footage uploaded MUST be raw original footage, with NO EDITING of any kind.

DO NOT post the footage on social media – if you have done so, please remove it.

DO NOT delete the footage from your device.

Please be aware that your device may have recorded you and that the actions of all parties will be reviewed and action taken as appropriate.

Drop files here


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